Chase Sandy

My Story

Hello! I am 24 years old and I was born in Athens, Alabama. I currently live in Florida with my lovely girlfriend and her parents. As a kid I was probaby considered an outcast. I never had many friends, usually kept to myself and was a really quiet person. I never really enjoyed school. I never went to prom or homecoming. I just did my classes and went home. I started working at 17 and thats what I wanted to do because I wanted money and freedom. My first job was Mcdonalds and I kept that job until I hit 18 and graduated highschool. That is when I applied to work for Disney and got hired. To this day I am still working for Disney because they are paying for my college, where I am attending Valencia College. Now with college I have no idea what I wanted to do or be. I thought I had an idea and that is why I am in this class today, but after going through these classes, everything just seems foggy in my eyes. I do not know if I can handle going through these classses or if I am even smart enough for them. I am still trying to learn and grow.

My Hobbies

The things that I love to do in my life are: watching sports, playing video games, and watching anime. The sports I love to watch are Football and Basketball. I am a huge Boston sports fan and I have been since I was 8. I love the New England Patriots and the Boston Celtics. I have seen the Celtics play twice in person but I have unfortualy never seen the Patriots play in person. Now for video games, I have been playing them since I could remember. I started on the Playstation 2 and the rest is history. However, my favorite game of all time is Call of Duty. I do not remember a time when I was not playing this game. I also watch competive Call of Duty and have been doing so since 2013. Lastly, I have been watching anime since 2020. This sparked because of covid and every since then, I have been addicted to Anime. I have watched over 20 animes now, read manga and collect figures/funko pops of anime. Anime has been such a blessing to me and I am so happy to be a nerd and to love all these nerdy things.

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